Perfect for Property Casualty Agents

Considering You Are A Trusted Relationship, Why Shouldn't They Get Life Insurance From You?

An Easier Way to Prospect for and Sell Life Insurance

Instead of contacting your customers, let your P&C customers contact you. Each year, some of your customers will call to update or change coverage related to such things as: a new car, a new driver, a new condo or house, a new boat, a floater for new jewelry, the purchase of excess liability coverage and other things.

If the CSR has a single page rate sheet, (s)he can tell the customer the following: “We would like you to know that $100,000 of term life insurance would cost approximately $X a month. Would you like to talk to your agent about life insurance?” As long as the CSR does not engage in the duties of an agent, explaining coverages, for example, life licensing should not be required but each state has its own requirements.

Frequently, the P&C customer will not know that the agency sells life insurance. However, if they say “Yes”, the CSR leaves their Agent a note that their P&C customer wants to discuss life insurance. Therefore, their Agent only calls to discuss life insurance with their existing customers, those who want to talk with them about life insurance.

There is no longer a need for the property casualty agency to increase solicitation expenses, provide access to agency files, need to review complex illustrations with the client, ask the customer personal health and income questions, make sure the life premium is competitive or complete application paperwork.

Term Life Champions Supports P&C Agencies

The Term Life Champions quoting system can provide a very competitive quote. Once you and your client determine the face amount needed, and the drop ticket has been sent to the carrier, the carrier representative and Term Life Champions will do the rest.

  • Term insurance is a commodity and Term Life Champions represents most of the term marketplace.
  • Our preferred term insurance carriers offer a drop ticket model.
  • Once you determine the amount of the death benefit your client wants, your agency completes a short drop ticket request and electronically forwards it to the carrier.
  • The carrier representative will call the client, complete the application, order and Paramedical Exams, any APS needed and the MIB.
  • The policy will be sent to the agency for delivery. Some carriers will send the policy directly to the client.

Contact Us

(866) 711-2977

About Us

Term Life Champions (TLC) is a website dedicated to providing independent agents with resources to sell term life insurance. This website contains access to term life insurance carriers, online training, consumer sales tools, and materials to support your sales strategy. For Agent Use Only – Not approved for use with the general public. Information deemed accurate, but not guaranteed. ­Copyright 2024